What is on your agenda for summer? Whatever it is, we hope you have reserved some time to build your resume. There are multiple ways to build your resume this summer, including gaining practical experience through an internship or volunteering, to name a few. Below is a list of volunteer opportunities to help get you started on the latter. Volunteering is a great way to build your professional network and gain experience in a field that interests you! Employers love seeing your enthusiasm for your field through volunteer initiatives.
Career Services is open throughout the summer to assist you! Contact our office with questions at 512-245-2645.
-Texas Advocacy Project
Mission: Texas Advocacy Project provides free legal services statewide to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.texasadvocacyproject.org/
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.texasadvocacyproject.org/
-Colorado River Alliance
Mission: Advocates for the Texas Colorado River, believing that a healthy, flowing river is imperative to the long-term well-being of the communities through which it runs.
Where: Austin
Website: http://coloradoriver.org/newsite/get-involved/volunteer/
Where: Austin
Website: http://coloradoriver.org/newsite/get-involved/volunteer/
-City of Austin
Mission: Place educational "No Dumping - Drains to Creek" markers on storm drains to help protect water quality in our creeks and river.
Where: Austin
-Caritas of Austin
Mission: Caritas provides a service continuum for those experiencing poverty that begins with a safety net and links them to resources to achieve self-sufficiency.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.caritasofaustin.org/
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.caritasofaustin.org/
-Austin Eastside Community Connection
Mission: ECC involves students from Austin area colleges and universities in every aspect of the center’s operations to improve the quality of life of East Austin residents.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.austinecc.org/
-Keep Austin Fed
Mission: Sharing healthy nutrition with our hungry neighbors by keeping surplus food out of the waste stream.
Where: Austin
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.keepaustinfed.org/
-The Arc of Capital Area
Mission: Committed to empowering Central Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families through compassionate case management and innovative programs.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.arcofthecapitalarea.org/
Website: http://www.arcofthecapitalarea.org/
-Texas Land Conservancy
Mission: A diverse and expanding network of protected natural areas throughout Texas supported by a community of Texans who share a commitment to enhancing the quality of life through conservation.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.texaslandconservancy.org/
-Urban Roots
Mission: Urban Roots is a youth development organization that uses sustainable agriculture to transform the lives of young people and increase access to healthy food in Austin.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.urbanrootsatx.org/
Mission: We restore hope and healing through expert treatment to children and their families who have been traumatized by abuse.
Where: San Antonio
Where: San Antonio
Website: http://www.childsafe-sa.org/
-San Antonio Youth Literacy
Mission: Promotes literacy of at-risk youth.
Where: San Antonio
Website: http://www.sayl.org/
Website: http://www.sayl.org/
-Daisy Cares
Mission: To provide pet food, medical care to needy pets, and reduce animal abuse through public education and awareness.
Where: San Antonio
Website: http://daisycares.com/
-Friends of the Buda Library
Mission: Dedicated to meeting the needs of a diverse and rapidly growing community supporting our library in sustaining, expanding and improving excellent staff services, library collections, computers, furnishings, and library staff training.
Where: Buda
-Friends of the San Marcos Public Library
Mission: Dedicated to strengthening the San Marcos Library through fundraising, volunteer work and advocacy.
Where: San Marcos
Website: http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page=204
Website: http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page=204
-Habitat for Humanity San Marcos
Mission: Teams build houses for impoverished families.
Where: San Marcos
-Hands of Hope
Mission: Provides education in subjects such as math, English and Bible study, as well as career-readiness training for women of all ages in Hays County.
Where: San Marcos
Website: http://www.handsofhopesanmarcos.org/
-Hays-Caldwell Women's Shelter
Mission: To create an environment where violence and abuse are not tolerated in the communities the organization serves.
Where: San Marcos
Website: http://www.hcwc.org/
Website: http://www.hcwc.org/
-Keep San Marcos Beautiful
Mission: Strives to educate and engage San Marcos residents and visitors to take responsibility for improving the community environment.
Where: San Marcos
Website: www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page=218
Website: www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page=218
-San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance
Mission: Creating an interconnected system of parks and natural areas in and around San Marcos.
Where: San Marcos
Where: San Marcos
Website: www.smgreenbelt.org
-San Marcos River Foundation
Mission: Protects public access and preserves the flow, purity and natural beauty of the San Marcos River, its watershed and estuaries
Where: San Marcos
Website: www.sanmarcosriver.org
Where: San Marcos
Website: www.sanmarcosriver.org
-United Way of Hays County
Mission: Advances the common good by investing in and developing programs that address Hays County’s critical needs in education, income/financial stability and health.
Where: San Marcos
Website: www.unitedwayhaysco.org
-Hill Country Alliance
Mission: HCA is a passionate community caring for the unique features, spring-fed streams, heritage ranch lands, spectacular beauty and culture of the Texas Hill Country for the benefit of future generations.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.hillcountryalliance.org/HCA/Home
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.hillcountryalliance.org/HCA/Home
-Bat Conservation International
Mission: To conserve the world’s bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet.
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.batcon.org/
Where: Austin
Website: http://www.batcon.org/
-Active Life
Mission: A social change nonprofit working to organize and accelerate the movement to make healthy living the norm.
Where: Austin
Website: www.itstimetexas.org
Where: Austin
Website: www.itstimetexas.org
-Boys and Girls Clubs
Mission: Offers programs and services to promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.
Where: Austin
Website: www.bgcaustin.org
-Capital Area Foodbank of Texas
Mission: The largest hunger-relief charity in Central Texas providing food and grocery products, nutrition education and social services outreach.
Where: Austin
Where: Austin
Website: www.austinfoodbank.org
-Central Texas Trail Tamers
Mission: A group of volunteers who donate labor to lessen the burdens of government for projects that enhance public use and protection of environmentally sensitive parks and preserves.
Where: Austin
Website: www.trailtamers.org
Where: Austin
Website: www.trailtamers.org
-College Forward
Mission: Provides access and completion services to motivated, economically disadvantaged students to help them transition to college.
Where: Austin
Website: www.collegeforward.org
Where: Austin
Website: www.collegeforward.org
-Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club
Mission: Aims to provide education and advocacy for protecting the environment.
Where: Austin
Website: www.texas.sierraclub.org