Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Holidays: 'Tis the Season for Professional Development

Who doesn't love the winter holiday season? Food, family and, best of all, vacation. This year, instead of hitting the mall, the eggnog and your bed at your parents' house, ramp up your job search. Why, you ask?

Here are five reasons the holiday season is a great time to search for a job or internship.
  1. Seasonal/cyclical hiring is at its peak--or gearing up. That seasonal job at your favorite local retailer can turn into a full-time summer gig, or an internship at corporate. For employers hiring summer interns, winter (starting as early as the holiday break) marks the shift into high gear for seasonal recruiting.
  2. Holiday mixers with family, friends and coworkers are a great opportunity to network. Being in San Marcos nine months out of the year can make it difficult to connect with professionals and contacts living in your desired job market. If you're looking to move home after graduation, take advantage of holiday get-togethers with friends and family from your hometown to let them know you're on the job hunt.
  3. Volunteer opportunities are everywhere. Is your resume looking a little sparse? Sign up to volunteer at a local food pantry, Toys for Tots, Salvation Army or other nonprofit/charity that ramps up its charitable efforts around the holidays. You'll get resume-worthy experience and, hopefully, make a few new friends/professional contacts.
  4. Professionals with down time at work are more willing to informational interview or let you job shadow. In many professions, things slow down a bit around the holiday season. Why not take advantage by asking to conduct an informational interview or job shadow with a professional in your field? You'll get information about your desired career while, again, establishing all-important professional connections.
  5. Gifts = a great opportunity to ask for professional clothing. Your first interview suit (and it should be a suit) won't be cheap. Instead of a new pair of sweatpants to wear to the gym, aim to fill out your professional wardrobe when asking for gifts this season.
Career Services is open through Tuesday, December 18 (returning on January 2) to assist with all of your holiday job search questions! Schedule an appointment with a counselor and get more information by calling 512.245.2645 or visiting www.careerservices.txstate.edu.

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